Source code for spikewrap.configs.config_utils
import glob
import itertools
import os
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
import yaml
from spikewrap.process import _preprocessing
from spikewrap.utils import _utils
def get_configs(name: str) -> tuple[dict, dict]:
Loads a config yaml file from the default config path.
name: name of the configs to load.
Should not include the .yaml suffix.
a dictionary containing the preprocessing
step order (keys) and a [pp_name, kwargs]
list containing the spikeinterface preprocessing
step and keyword options.
a dictionary with sorter name (key) and
a dictionary of kwargs to pass to the
spikeinterface sorter class.
config_dir = get_configs_path()
available_files = glob.glob((config_dir / "*.yaml").as_posix())
available_files = [Path(path_).stem for path_ in available_files]
if name not in available_files:
# then assume it is a full path
assert Path(name).is_file(), (
f"{name} is neither the name of an existing "
f"config or valid path to configuration file."
assert Path(name).suffix in [
], f"{name} is not the path to a .yaml file"
config_filepath = Path(name)
config_filepath = config_dir / f"{name}.yaml"
with open(config_filepath) as file:
config = yaml.full_load(file)
pp_steps = config.get("preprocessing", {})
sorting = config.get("sorting", {})
return pp_steps, sorting
def get_configs_path() -> Path:
Get the path to the User home directory folder
in which all spikewrap config yamls are stored.
The path to the spikewrap `configs` directory.
configs_path = Path.home() / ".spikewrap" / "configs"
if not configs_path.is_dir():
return configs_path
def _create_user_configs_folder(configs_path: Path) -> None:
Create the spikewrap configs path where config YAML files
are stored. Copy the YAMLs from the spikewrap install
directory (we do not want to manage files directly in the
installation directory, due to potential permissions issues).
Once this folder is set up, all config YAMLs are managed
in the user directory.
default_configs_path = (
/ "_backend"
/ "_default_configs"
for config_filepath in list(
): # TODO: store canon suffix
shutil.copy(config_filepath, configs_path)
def show_available_configs() -> None:
Print the file names of all YAML config
files in the user config path.
configs_path = get_configs_path()
yaml_paths = itertools.chain(
configs_path.glob("*.yaml"), configs_path.glob("*.yml")
yaml_names = [ for path_ in yaml_paths]
_utils.message_user(f"The available configs are:\n" f"{yaml_names}")
def save_config_dict(config_dict: dict, name: str, folder: Path | None = None):
Save a configuration dictionary to a YAML file.
The configs dictionary to save.
The name of the YAML file (with or without the `.yaml` extension).
If None (default), the config is saved in the spikewrap-managed
user configs folder. Otherwise, save in `folder`.
if folder is None:
folder = get_configs_path()
output_filepath = Path(folder) / name
if not output_filepath.suffix:
output_filepath = output_filepath.with_suffix(".yaml") # use canonical
_utils._dump_dict_to_yaml(output_filepath, config_dict)
def load_config_dict(filepath: Path) -> dict:
Load a configuration dictionary from a YAML file.
The full path to the YAML file, including the file name and extension.
The configs dict loaded from the YAML file.
if not filepath.is_file():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"No file found at {filepath}.")
if filepath.suffix not in [".yml", ".yaml"]: # TODO: centralise
raise ValueError(
f"File {} is not a yaml file, must end in .yml or .yaml"
return _utils._load_dict_from_yaml(filepath)
def show_configs(name: str) -> None:
Print the configuration options.
pp_steps, sorting = get_configs(name)
def show_supported_preprocessing_steps() -> None:
Print the (currently supported) SpikeInterface
preprocessing steps.
pp_steps = _preprocessing._get_pp_funcs()
f"Currently supported preprocessing steps are:\n" f"{list(pp_steps.keys())}"